Fleckner Stanz- und Schweißtechnik

#fleckner #azubi


Our apprenticeships offer exciting prospects in both technical and commercial fields. Immerse yourself in a world full of energy, power and passion for what we do.

Our aim is to promote talented and motivated junior staff who want to shape the future together with us. Whether you want to develop your strengths in technology or demonstrate your commercial skills – with us you will not only find an apprenticeship, but also the opportunity to become part of a dynamic team that masters challenges and celebrates successes together.

Discover the diverse opportunities offered by our apprenticeships and let’s shape the world together with energy, power and enthusiasm!


  • If you want to learn from our experience, you’ve come to the right place.
  • We are experienced.
  • Clear structures, short distances.
  • Any discrimination is prohibited; in particular, no one may be discriminated against because of their origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, religion or ideology or disability.
  • Our industry is characterized by small to medium-sized family businesses. And so the working atmosphere is often very personal. A flat hierarchy, short lines of communication and an open ear for employees’ concerns create a friendly working environment.


Leisure and family

Up to 30 days vacation
Good working atmosphere
Job security

Parking and driving

Parking spaces (free of charge)
Public transport (bus & train)
Bike leasing

Flexible working hours

Mobile working
Flexible working hours
Sponsor system for newcomers


Security checks
Operational integration
Retirement provision
Water dispenser
Work clothes
Subsidy for spectacles

Training and
Advanced Training

Takeover opportunities
Further training opportunities
Career opportunity

Wage management

Competitive salary
Pension top-up
Vacation and Christmas bonus

Company events

Summer party
Christmas party
Team trips

Event sponsoring

P-Weg Marathon
AOK Firmenlauf
Domestic marathons
Soccer events


  • Prepare workflows 
  • Check machines
  • Putting machines into operation
  • Operating machines 
  • Machines to be equipped
  • Post goods movements in the ERP system
  • to check articles manufactured by you according to quality specifications
  • Take safety precautions
  • Environmental protection and occupational health and safety
  • Ability to work in a team 
  • Curiosity about the various mechanical production techniques
  • Care and accuracy
  • Willingness to learn and enjoy technology 
  • Self-organization
  • Production
  • Maintenance
  • Quality assurance
  • Duration of training: 2 years
  • Training location: Plettenberg site
  • School-leaving certificate: Secondary school certificate
  • Addition: personal protective equipment


  • the manufacture of punching tools for production 
  • Programming CNC-controlled machine tools
  • Production of devices by turning, milling, etc.
  • Construction of tools, devices and assemblies
  • Maintenance of tools and machines 
  • Optimizing the existing tools 
  • Set-up and adjustment of production tools
  • Maintenance of operating equipment 
  • prepare technical documentation, including test reports 
  • Environmental protection and occupational health and safety
  • Ability to work in a team
  • Diligence
  • Interest in logical processes
  • Craftsmanship
  • Technical understanding
  • Sense of responsibility
  • Eye-hand coordination
  • Toolmaking
  • Maintenance 
  • Material store
  • Duration of training: 3.5 years
  • Training location: Plettenberg site
  • School-leaving certificate: intermediate school-leaving certificate 
  • Addition: personal protective equipment 


  • Planning and coordinating workflows
  • Assigning and handling materials and auxiliary materials
  • the production of components
  • the installation of machines and systems
  • apply test procedures and test equipment
  • the maintenance and repair of technical equipment
  • monitoring the production process
  • Quality control of the end product with appropriate measuring devices
  • Apply quality assurance systems in your own work area
  • ystematically search for, eliminate and document the causes of quality defects 
  • Create acceptance protocols
  • Assessing the safety of systems and equipment
  • Environmental protection and occupational health and safety
  • Ability to work in a team
  • Craftsmanship
  • Logical and technical way of thinking
  • IT skills
  • Technical understanding
  • Independence
  • Careful work
  • Construction
  • Production 
  • Maintenance
  • Quality assurance
  • Duration of training: 3.5 years
  • Training location: Plettenberg site
  • School-leaving certificate: intermediate school-leaving certificate
  • Addition: personal protective equipment


  • supply systems and installations with energy 
  • Design system modifications and extensions
  • Program and monitor systems
  • Configure systems
  • Maintenance of electrical operating and production systems
  • Testing the function of programmable controllers 
  • Testing the function of programmable controllers 
  • Compliance with quality assurance, occupational safety and environmental protection
  • Math and physics are among your strengths
  • Ability to work in a team
  • Sense of responsibility
  • Technical understanding
  • Flawless color detection for differentiating between cables of different colors, for example
  • Careful work
  • Production
  • Construction
  • Maintenance
  • Toolmaking
  • Duration of training: 3.5 years
  • Training location: Plettenberg site
  • School-leaving certificate: Secondary school certificate
  • Addition: personal protective equipment 


  • Construction of mechanical and electronic components
  • Repairs to machines and systems 
  • Maintenance and servicing 
  • Programming control software
  • Assembly and disassembly of systems
  • Analyze technical documents
  • put systems into operation
  • Develop prototypes
  • Environmental protection and occupational health and safety
  • Ability to work in a team
  • Technical understanding
  • Some manual dexterity
  • IT skills
  • Good math skills
  • Spatial imagination
  • Adequate command of the language
  • Production
  • Maintenance
  • Quality assurance
  • Duration of training: 3.5 years
  • Training location: Plettenberg site
  • School-leaving certificate: intermediate school-leaving certificate
  • Addition: personal protective equipment


  • Receipt of goods
  • Incoming goods inspections
  • Inventory controls (warehouse management)
  • Loading and unloading transport vehicles 
  • Operating conveyor systems and transportation equipment 
  • Select packaging materials and pack goods 
  • Secure the load 
  • Dispatch processing
  • Inventory
  • Ability to work in a team 
  • Interest in logistical processes
  • Diligence and a sense of responsibility
  • Independent work
  • Resilience and flexibility
  • Goods receipt
  • Incoming goods 
  • Transportation
  • Customs
  • Logistics
  • Warehouse
  • Duration of training: 3 years
  • Training location: Werdohl site 
  • School-leaving certificate: good secondary school leaving certificate or intermediate school-leaving certificate
  • Additional: Free forklift driver’s license and personal protective equipment


  • advise and support customers
  • Check and process requests
  • Process offers/orders
  • Check incoming invoices
  • Create outgoing invoices
  • Post business transactions
  • Implement activities in purchasing, sales and accounting
  • Concentrated work
  • Customer friendliness
  • Communication skills
  • Organized and independent action
  • Confident handling of numbers
  • Friendly demeanor
  • Accounting
  • Purchasing
  • Materials management/logistics
  • Distribution
  • Marketing
  • Duration of training: 3 years
  • Training location: Plettenberg site 
  • School-leaving certificate: intermediate school-leaving certificate


Upload your application documents on our homepage or send them by e-mail to bewerbungen@fleckner.de . We need your personal details, CV and references.
Once we have received your documents, we will take the time to review your application individually and carefully.
We will give you feedback after viewing. If you were able to convince us, you will go through to the next round and receive an invitation to an interview.
Personal Conversation 
The interview gives you the opportunity to get to know us and clarify any questions you may have. We will give you a closer look at how training at FLECKNER works and what you can expect. We also want to find out more about you and your skills and qualifications.
Applicant Day
We also organize an applicant day on a case-by-case basis. We want to get to know you in practice. To do this, we find out about your interests and previous knowledge. After a briefing, you can then get a taste of the training workshop or your team and work with them. Together we will then find out whether the chosen profession suits your talents.


  • No longer than one DINA4 page
  • Address with contact person (between company name and street)
  • Place and current date
  • Subject line: e.g. application for an apprenticeship as a tool mechanic.
  • Why am I applying?
  • How did I find out about the company? 
  • Why this training?
  • Why this company?
  • Have you already gathered information about the profession and the company?
  • Have there already been internships or school projects that fit in with the apprenticeship?
  • Greeting and full name including signature
  • Indicate under attachment which documents are attached 
  • Preferably in tabular form 
  • List all personal data such as name, address, date and place of birth and contact details
  • Educational background chronologically, starting with current school, study or training situation
  • Draw attention to special skills (such as foreign languages, IT skills, driving licenses)
  • Internships, voluntary work and hobbies
  • Place and current date
  • Signature
  • Not older than 2 years
  • Clothing should match the profession
  • Hairstyle appropriate and well-groomed 
  • Make-up should be discreet
  • Certificates of internships
  • Stays abroad
  • Social commitment
  • Ordinary application folder by post or direct submission at the FLECKNER RECEPTION (however, we prefer applications by e-mail). 
  • Short cover letter in the mail, don’t forget your name
  • Do not send Word documents, only PDF
  • Alle Dokumente in der richtigen Reihenfolge Compile all documents in the correct order in a PDF
  • PDF should not exceed the size of 10 MB
  • Uniquely name PDF
  • Before sending the e-mail, make sure that the PDF file is attached
  • Check that the e-mail has a meaningful text in the subject line


Training as a ticket to the world of work

For an average grade of 1.0-1.9 for the annual vocational school report (1st to 3rd year of apprenticeship) you will receive a €100 bonus and from 2.0 to 2.9 a €50 bonus

When things need to move quickly

The requirement for a reduction in the apprenticeship period is possible with an average grade of up to 1.9 on the final certificate at the end of the 2nd year of the apprenticeship. Trainees must apply for the reduction themselves.
GOnly applies to training occupations in which there is the option of shortening the training period.

There are also fuel vouchers for passing the final exam

Overall grade 1: 6x 50€ fuel vouchers
Overall grade 2: 4x 50€ fuel vouchers
Overall grade 3: 2x 50€ fuel vouchers



"We value diversity and are convinced that different perspectives lead to innovative solutions. We welcome your ideas and your energy. Our corporate culture is characterized by collaboration, respect and continuous development. With us, you will not only find a workplace, but a community that supports and encourages each other. Join us and shape your professional future together with us. Apply now and let's be successful together!"


Team Recruiting